Street Walking & Chest Waxing- is this God at work?

25/10/2009 09:10

Wow what a great evening we had on Friday. I was out with one of the volunteers from Sidewalk talking with sopme of the young people who were hanging around the local shops. A group of around 20 aged from 12 - 17 were bored, cold and frustrated. After another couple of encounters I  made the decision along with Lora to invite them to come into the church building. In they came glad to use the toilets and even happier with the hot drinks and biscuits. It was great to have them along...the question it raises is, "What Next?" Can we as a congregation run a cafe on a Friday from 8pm- 11pm as well as being on the streets? Anyone reading who is happy to get involved please let me know. Can I encourage you all tpo be praying for the young folk on the streets of our community and our city.

This afternoon we are holding the Muirton Park Resident Association Fun Day- although given the sponsored chest waxing that a few of us are to experience, I am not sure about the "fun" part. It has been great getting to know a number of the community activists who are wanting to see Muirton Park flourish- Gav, Dan, June, Fiona, Richard are among a number who are showing real commitment- if your reading this well done and keep going it is a real pleasure serving with you.
