Fit 4 Life- Sunday 6:30pm

03/01/2010 09:25

As we enter a new year many make new year resolutions about getting fitter- gyms get  busier and people sign up for weight loss programs! As a church it is also important for us to think about our health and fitness at the beginning of the year during which we will celebrate our 10th birthday. It is important because it is only a fit and healthy church that will be a growing church. With this in mind we are going to be running a weekly workshop on Sunday evenings from 6:30pm looking at developing healthy relationships. Although the material looks at what this means in the life of the church as I have looked at the material it has struck me as being generally applicable to all sorts of relationships that we have with family, friends, in the work place and with neighbours. These workshops will include bible study, discussion, activities, role play, along with coffee, tea and cake.

Please come and join us
