A White Christmas!

03/01/2010 09:31

"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" is a song which many sing, but it appears that for many the dream has become a nightmare! Yesterday I was at the Edinburgh v's Glasgow Rugby match at Murrayfield and it took two and a half hours to get from the stadium over the bridge!! Ice had turned the road into an ice rink and all we could do was slowly crawl along! With my son asleep in the car I found myself having a little time to ponder what type of Christmas I had!

As a family it was wonderful. On Christmas day we had 13 for Christmas dinner, with my brother providing the starters, Gill and I providing the turkey and trimmings and my brother-in-law surpassing himself by producing home made profiterols, pavlova and Christmas Cake!! We pulled crackers, enjoyed good conversation and played the Wii! It was a great day and I am truly thankful to God for the family I have.

As a church I would also say that Christmas had been a greatly encouraging time. Our "Unwrapping Christmas" event was fantastic with around 40 of all ages coming along to make things, eat. play some games and close with a short time of worship. I would like to thank all those who gave up there time and also contributed there talents to ensure this event took place and also for those who invited along friends.

The Christmas sing-along in Muirton Park was also a fantastic experience. A group of church folk and residents from the area gathered at the new community flat and we sand at the Rookery, then up Magpie Way and down Lark Avenue. A number of residents opened windows and doors as we sang- and not to complain!! We also enjoyed being able to use the community flat to have a warming cup of tea and a mince pie.

Our Christmas services also went well- I guess we must have had around 70 over both of the Christmas Eve gatherings and around 20 on Christmas morning.

Well that is Christmas over for another year...

However the message of Christmas continues...Good News for all people, a Saviour has been born!
